Where did Spring go?

So here in my patch of the world it is meant to be Spring.

Spring is meant to have mild temps, rain, and some wind gusts.

Not this year.
No rain...
If 38c is mild I hate to see what hot is...

We are getting the wind gusts.

So, one out of three. That is great.... The hot temps plus high wind are sucking all the moisture out of anything and everything. The lack of rain has meant I have no water in my rainwater tank as well.

Now I am not going to get into the science of Global warming/climate change., but if you are a climate change denier, you cannot deny that spring is not really spring any more. That is just observation. It already feels like summer is here. It is only October and we are going to have to learn to deal with these hotter temps as Summer is now going to a scorcher.

Hopefully we see some rain soon.    


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